Quality and accreditations

We’re committed to providing the highest quality laboratory services in our UKAS accredited laboratories, formally known as DETS and Latis Scientific.
UKAS accreditation

Quality assurance with UKAS accreditation

Our laboratories are accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) to the norm BS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017, the British, European and International Standard for quality assurance in analytical laboratories.


The full standard covers quality assurance and method-specific procedures, with all individual methods inspected and approved by UKAS.


You can view our accreditations here:

Proficiency testing

Proficiency testing for DETS and Latis Scientific

Proficiency testing is central to our quality system and provides confidence that our methods, equipment and staff are delivering the levels of quality required by UKAS and our clients.

Latis Scientific participates in external proficiency testing schemes provided by Public Health England and FAPAS.

DETS belong to PT schemes including Aquacheck, Contest, AIMS, RICE and DCC

Legionella Control Association

Latis Scientific and the Legionella Control Association