Our laboratory and technical services division, previously known as Latis Scientific and DETS, offers a broad range of accredited analytical testing. Our services extend across the UK and, through our network of laboratories, we can support a wide range of testing requirements.

We meet the needs of many industries and are proud to serve a client base that includes: water treatment and water hygiene consultants, healthcare providers, medical device manufacturers, local authorities, industrial water companies, environmental consultants, site investigation companies, remediation companies and waste companies.

Soil contamination testing lab

SUEZ offers a comprehensive soil contamination testing lab service for geotechnical and site investigation engineers, environmental consultants, landowners and property developers of all types.

Laboratory analysis for the healthcare industry

We offer analysis for clinical healthcare, including validation of medical devices and sterilisation services.

Specialist analysis

We offer specialist analysis including persistent organic pollutants (POPs), PFAS and Covid surface swabbing.

Waste analysis

We offer a complete set of testing for waste, including energy-from-waste products, hazardous waste and waste acceptance criteria.

Water analysis and technical consultancy

Our water analysis includes investigation, analysis and monitoring services related to water quality within buildings, industries and recreational water facilities.

Logistics and brochures

We have a network of drop-off points for samples and a dedicated fleet of vehicles to collect soils, waste materials and waters for chemical analysis.

Quality and accreditations

We are committed to providing the highest quality laboratory services.